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Do you gain weight simply by looking at a piece of chocolate cake?


Do you eat less than everyone around you, but struggle the most when it comes to managing your weight?


Are you having to restrict your Calories more and more to continue seeing the scales go down? 


Have previous dieting attempts left you even heavier than when you started?


Do you struggle with a poor relationship with food and wish you could enjoy meals with your friends and family like you once did?


Are you obsessing over Calories,  your diet, your weight, and feeling like you are missing out on life as a consequence?


Are you battling poor energy levels, making you feel sluggish and heavy almost constantly? 


Do you feel like you are living in a fog and unable to function at your full capacity?


Are you struggling to prioritise your work, family and relationships, because you do not have the energy to give everything your all?




Excessive calorie restriction (or under-eating) leads to a suppression of your metabolic rate. Your metabolic rate is essentially your level of battery power for the day - the amount of energy your body is able to expend to support your vital organ function, digestion, movement, physical activity, social life, cognitive performance, and so on.


When your metabolic rate is suppressed, you no longer have as much energy to expend each day. Your physical and mental health suffers as a result. You gain weight easily and struggle to lose it. You feel tired all the time and struggle with regular headaches, mood swings, and gut issues. Your ability to focus and be productive starts dwindling away. You become obsessed with your diet and your body - forever trying to change it. You feel unsettled - like something isn't quite right. 


When you go to the doctor, they run some basic investigations and tell you everything is "normal". Nothing is wrong. Perhaps it is all in your head?


It's not.


Living with a suppressed metabolic rate is not a healthy way to move through life. It prevents you from living to your full potential. You simply cannot give enough energy to the things that matter most to you because you don't have enough energy to support your own basic needs.




The good news is that you can recover your metabolic rate.


It is possible to break free from the toxic world of dieting, lift away from the fog you have been stuck under, and live your life without obsessing over food and weight.


You can reach and maintain a healthy weight without excessively restricting calories. 


You can enjoy food, feel amazing, and lose weight all at the same time.




This dietitian-designed online course, by Dr Jessica Turton, provides you with the science-led information and practical strategies you need to repair your metabolic rate and stop dieting for good.



  • Why eating less doesn't work for long-term weight loss 
  • Why low-Calorie diets are considered a form of starvation that can lead to harmful health consequences (physical and psychological)
  • How under-eating can contribute to a poor relationship with food, mental health issues, and disordered eating
  • How under-eating can suppress your metabolism and contribute to weight loss resistance, even beyond the period of dieting
  • How eating MORE of the right types of foods can help you achieve a healthy body and mind
  • What specific dietary strategies help you increase your metabolic rate
  • The importance of nutrient density
  • The relationship between chronic stress and body weight
  • What foods to eat MORE of and how to build a balanced meal using these foods
  • The importance of eating 'to satiety' and what this looks like in practice
  • How to calculate your actual energy (calorie) requirements 
  • How to track your diet to ensure you are eating enough Calories to support your metabolic rate
  • How to measure your progress on this approach (energy, cognition, body composition, etc.)
  • What blood tests to ask your doctor for, and how to interpret these to support your metabolism and general health
  • How to shift away from a 'dieting mentality' and toward 'food freedom'



  • PDF handbook which seamlessly guides you through the course 
  • Exclusive access to video presentations recorded by Dr Turton 
  • Ten practical resources helping you to put everything you have learned into practice (including sample meal plans to show you what a day on a plate could look like)
  • Exclusive access to comprehensive videos where Dr Turton takes you through each resource, explaining how to get the most out of them, just like she would during an individual consultation


This entire course is priced at $350 which is LESS than the cost of an initial consult with Dr Jessica Turton. To top it off, the value you will receive from this course is much greater. The course content (videos and resources) is equivalent to having 6 diet consultations with Dr Turton (valued at $1770). 


But what is truly invaluable is the knowledge you will gain. This is the first dietitian-designed course on the market that shows you exactly how you can eat more to lose weight. 


Dr Turton has harnessed years of personal and clinical experience, plus thousands of hours of research, to bring you EVERYTHING you need to know about repairing your metabolic rate, breaking free from toxic dieting culture, and achieving a healthy body and mind, for good!


Version 2 of the Eat More to Lose Weight Course (current version) does not include unlimited email support, discounted consultations, or complimentary access to the 'Getting Started with Low-Carb Ebook'. The price of Version 2 was significantly reduced to improve accessibility, and these additional bonus features were removed. You may email Dr Jessica Turton during your participation in this course, but it may take up to 21 days for her to get back to you. You are encouraged to book an individual consultation with Dr Turton or any of the Ellipse Health Dietitians if you require personalised dietetic support which is outside the scope of this course. 

Eat More to Lose Weight

  • By using this course, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions of use. If you do not agree to all of these Terms and Conditions, do not use this course.

    The contents of this course does not provide individualised medical or dietary advice. This course is not a substitute for personally tailored healthcare delivered by a qualified healthcare professional. All information provided within this course is for informational and educational purposes only, and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this course. Please consult your chosen qualified healthcare practitioner on any matter(s) regarding your health and wellbeing or on any opinions expressed within this course. The information provided in this course is believed to be accurate based on the best judgment of the creator and their interpretation of the available scientific evidence at the time of development. The words and other content provided in this course, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the user or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately- licensed doctor, dietitian, and/or other healthcare practitioner for individualised support and guidance. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have seen in this course or in any linked materials.

    You as the user must be responsible for consulting with your own healthcare practitioner on matters raised within. Jessica Turton and Ellipse Health Pty Ltd will not accept any responsibility for the actions or consequential results of any action taken by any user of this course. Jessica Turton and Ellipse Health Pty Ltd are not responsible for the content of any linked third-party sites contained within this course and do not make any representations regarding their content or accuracy. Your use of third-party websites is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such sites. 

    This course and all content contained within this course is the intellectual property of Jessica Turton and Ellipse Health Pty Ltd, and copyright to Ellipse Health Pty Ltd 2024. You may not reproduce or communicate any of the content in this course without permission of the copyright owner.

    This course is intended to be used by the person who purchases the course. Do not share this course or any of the contents contained within with anyone else.


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