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This is your ULTIMATE guide to nutrition in pregnancy.


In this practical guide, dietitian & nutritionist Niki Mohtat gives you all the information and tools you need to build a nutrient-dense, real food diet to improve the health of you and your baby.


Pregnancy is such a precious time, although it can become overwhelming. Knowing how to construct a healthy diet that provides you with the energy, proteins, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals you need can be extremely challenging. Take the pressure off yourself and let us do the hard work for you.


In this guide, you will get:


✅ an easy-to-digest summary of the latest literature regarding energy and nutrient requirements during pregnancy (including preconception and postpartum) 


✅ a list of recommended blood tests to ask your medical provider for during pre-conception and/or pregnancy (includes a letter to print out and take to your doctor to make the process seamless for you!)


✅ a practical meal-building framework to help you meet your energy and nutrient requirements


✅ a comparison of different pre-natal supplements on the market, with pros and cons for each


✅ a transparent discussion on food safety, with practical tips for implementing food safety in day-to-day life (without getting stressed out by it!)


✅ a detailed table of ALL the key micronutrients needed to support the health of you and your baby, including why these nutrients are important, and the top real food sources for each


✅ a guide to optimal hydration during pregnancy (and no, it's not just about drinking water!)


✅ a 3-day meal plan showing you how to put all the information in this guide together 


If you want a real food approach to optimisng fertility and supporting a healthy pregnancy, then this guide is for you.


Email if you have any questions about the guide.


Happy reading 💜

Nutrition in Pregnancy Guide

  • This guide and all content contained within this guide is the intellectual property of Niki Mohtat and Ellipse Health Pty Ltd. You may not reproduce or communicate any of the content in this guidewithout permission of the copyright owner. © 2023 ELLIPSE HEALTH PTY LTD AND NIKI MOHTAT

  • This guide is intended as general advice and guidance only and should not be used in place of individualised medical or dietary advice. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or havedeveloped any pregnancy-related complications, it is recommended that you speak to a medical doctorand an Accredited Practising Dietitian before making any change(s) to your diet and lifestyle. If you require individualised dietary advice, you can make an appointment for a one-on-one diet consultation via

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